Publications Bank-Business Contracts

24 lutego 2023

The author of the book is Mariusz Korpalski, legal counsel and partner in the Komarnicka Korpalski Legal Firm, doctoral student at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

The book is based on the author’s experience in working with small and medium-size businesses. It presents, based on the court decisions and civil law literature, how such contracts with enterprises are made, amended and enforced. Contrary to a general belief, the principle of law pacta sunt servanda does not fully apply to the bank law norms applied to B2B transactions.

Although consumer protection in relations with banks has recently improved significantly (also as a result of the EU consumer protection regulations and operations of the Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection) and enjoyed much attention, the regulations on contracts entered between banks and businesses continue to be disrespected both during their application and in the course of the legislative procedure. The impact of global economic turmoil generally, and in financial markets particularly, is also felt in Poland. It is therefore important for businesses entering into contractual relations with banks to know what regulations are binding on them and how some very common laws may be interpreted.

The book offers a contemporary interpretation of a concept of a bank as an institution of public trust which is a phenomenon of Poland’s private law. It is dedicated to business owners who enter into contracts with banks, their legal advisors, judges, and students of law. There are currently no publications that would comprehensively explain the rights of business clients in their dealings with banks. Those that are available are usually scattered among various titles and either fail to address the most recent situations, or are not detailed enough.

To find out more on the book, go to.

A review:
– by T. Radtke
– A review –